Every new hiker knows that two of the most important things for this trip are mochila (backpack) and shoes. These two items can change the trip drastically from success to failure. But the problem is that most people don't understand why the shoes that fit me in the store no longer fit after a short walk. And so at Van House we decided to list our recommendations for buying shoes. Shoes, many types,
Every new hiker knows that two of the most important things for this trip are mochila (backpack) and shoes. These two items can change the trip drastically from success to failure. But the problem is that most people don't understand why the shoes that fit me in the store no longer fit after a short walk. And so at Van House we decided to list our recommendations for buying shoes.
Shoes, lots of types, lots of companies and lots of models. In this article we will not touch on shoes but will discuss how to go out with a shoe tailored to your foot. There are a lot of shoes on the second hand market for exactly this reason, people came into the store, bought at the seller's recommendation without realizing that there were things to know in advance. Remember - the seller's job is to take you out with shoes and not advise you what's right and what's not.
How To Buy Shoes Right:
Most people think that buying shoes is a simple thing, it's all about getting to the store, measuring, paying and leaving, but that's a fundamental problem. You've probably heard quite a bit and even said to yourself, "We won't know if it's comfortable as long as we haven't taken a full day with them" so this sentence is only partially true. The thing is, the habit is changing with effort and not always understanding all the implications. That's why we've put together a list of how to make your shopping right at Van House. About the correct part of the sentence, we will talk about it later in the article.
One last important detail before the article, shoes, like all the clothing details we wear, have no uniform standard in the world. That is, each manufacturer determines his own size, so not every shoe that fits you is always the same that you are used to and even the dimensions can vary from model to model in the same manufacturer.
Now that we know these things, let's start.
It is necessary to determine the purpose of the trip, ie the main use of the shoes. Big four types of shoes, a fashionable shoe that we will not talk about; A tactical boot like those whose function is to optimally shake with a soft, breathable limb designed for urban sports training and its lack of durability and non-heavy weight; Mountain shoes, a tough limb designed to support the foot and absorb heavy weight shocks and become rigid, the downside of being very tough, less breathable and awkward. Therefore, the world is moving to smart equipment which is easier - so lately a fourth pan, a running shoe that is a combination of a sneaker and a mountain shoe, which means a better shock absorption and a tough limb, of course it is at the middle of a sneaker And mountain shoes comfortably with toughness and durability.
Choosing a shoe model
Once we understand the purpose of the trip we will now look at the options available on the network. That means it can be a great shoe, but on some production dates it has broken down, and of course there are more or less recommended companies, a wide or narrow shoe. It is therefore important to come to a ready-made store with this knowledge that we will not fall and buy something that is inappropriate.
The things before arriving at the store
Now that we have decided what we want and a second before running to the store to measure, we will cut our nails, why is that important? Not only before buying but also on the trip itself is very important, as soon as there is a slightly long nail, it damages the shoe and immediately returns directly into the foot and flesh, although at first we will not necessarily feel it, but over time and effort it will start very painful and can ruin the trip, and most often in the store We will feel that something is distressing and we will not understand exactly what.
So we cut our nails, now we only have to get to the store after a day's work that most of you were on your feet, let's go back to the saying mentioned at the beginning of the article "We won't know if it's comfortable as long as we haven't walked with it for a whole day" and that's exactly it, our limbs expand in time and our feet may Grow to a half more than rest, so most people who are not aware of it, only after effort can they know if the shoe was really right for them or not.
Socks! What about socks now? The socks have different types and thicknesses that affect the density and comfort of the foot inside the shoe - it is always advisable to come with the socks that you usually go with on the walk with the shoes. If you don't have hiking socks, it's time to shop.
So what to do in the store?
Now that we are in the store, we will lock the shoe and check our stance that needs to be stable and straight, that the walking movement is flowing and correct and that there is enough space from the tip of the shoe to the toes (1/2 inch). And don't neglect anything that disturbs, even the smallest. During an effort and challenging activity, the body suffers, which means going into stress (stress), while it is the things that were small and distressing, the body begins to feel them even more and such a thing can ruin your entire travel experience.
But before the big trip you have to go with her, make a short adjustment period, remember, both the leg and the limb have to get used to each other before a perfect fit.
In conclusion
Remember the phrase "We will not know if it is convenient as long as we have not walked with them for a whole day" which we said we will talk about later? So that's exactly what it is, not always the shoe with a quality sole or the shoe itself (reviews on the web) or that fits our trip and so all the problems are revealed only on the way, so if you did everything we talked about correctly, you significantly reduced to zero chance of the situation That she won't be good to you.